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Blue Skies


     I am Ronnie Hopkins a God fearing American who loves my family and cares greatly about the state of Oklahoma. I am an Independent candidate for U.S. Congress. The Democrat and Republican parties control their candidates somewhat by party rules. As an Independent, I have no powerful party controllers telling me what to say or do and how to vote on issues.

    Blue Skies


         Many of our freedoms and liberties are being taken away a little at a time and very few people are saying anything about it. I myself stand for freedom and liberty because freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Liberty is the state of being free within a society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior or political view.

         When the government begins telling you what to eat, what to buy and taking one’s property because they think it can benefit others better, judges silencing the voice of the people, we then are losing the freedoms and liberties that so many have fought and died for. Therefore:

              I support biblical principles.

              I support the Constitution of the United States.

              I support turning Social Security into a real trust fund.

              I support truth over compromise.

              I support principle over parties.

              I support cutting foreign aid.

              I support the American people over lobbyists and special interests.

              I support veterans and the right to bear arms.

    DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE from two party control and use your free will to support and vote for who you think can make your life and America a better place.

    Blue Skies


    Feel free to contact me if you have questions or want to have a conversation.


    Campaign cell: 918-506-7831

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